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YEAT: Youth in Equine-Assisted Therapy

The YEAT project aims to gather organizations from different sectors and embark upon together a journey to better the quality of the work, activities and practices of the entities in the field of YEAT across the partner countries – Bulgaria, France, Belgium, Italy the European Union and internationally. The project will advance the capacity of the participating organizations, build bridges between different sectors, address common needs and priorities in YEAT, create and spread innovative approaches in YEAT, serve children and young people with disabilities.


The goals of the YEAT project will be achieved by interconnecting organizations from different sectors that can utilize YEAT in creating a YEAT Guidelines and youth volunteering programs, YEAT Toolkit for Non-experts, and YEAT online platform. The products will be re-usable, transferable and up-scalable. The process will involve organizing data collection activities in the partner countries and a learning exchange event in Bulgaria.The end products are innovation in the field in the participating countries, especially revolutionary for Bulgaria. To ensure the YEAT projects reaches as many people as possible multiplier events in Bulgaria, France, Italy and Belgium will be organized in order to share the project results.


The expected outcomes of the project will result in developing and application of innovative practices on organizational, national and international levels with a long-term impact. The YEAT project will produce YEAT Guidelines and youth volunteering programs, YEAT Toolkit for Non-experts, and YEAT online platform. Through the guidelines and the toolkit innovative approaches for addressing young people and EAT will be developed. It will include innovative education and training programmes, in line with individual needs and expectations of youth professionals. Through the YEAT online platform and by distributing the YEAT Toolkit for Non-experts targeted organizations and professionals will open to synergies with organizations active in different fields and other socio- economic sectors. The YEAT portal will be the first of its kind displaying all the information gathered in the project.




YEAT Guidelines and youth volunteering programs and the YEAT Toolkit for Non-experts. The entire project, especially the methodology in the YEAT Guidelines will trigger strategic planning of professional development of staff in line with individual needs and organizational objectives. Current and future professionals in YEAT, especially young people will be able to gain knowledge, training and application
methods. Young people will receive a better idea on what YEAT is and how to get involved on professional level or as volunteers. Children and young people with disabilities will receive better service and the opportunity to find out more
about the method.



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